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7. Adverb with Preposition

Adverb + Preposition Collocation Adverbial prepositions of time, place, location, position, direction, movement, comparison, agency can be preceded by degree adverbs to show extent and exactness. The ADVERBs below are normally followed by the prepositions mentioned against each of them. These prepositional adverbs can function independently, but degree adverbs cannot be used unless followed by the adverb it qualifies. In the examples below ‘hard’ and ‘prepositional adverbs’ can be used independently but degree adverb ‘mostly’ needs to be followed by another adverb. She hit him hard. She hit him with a stick. She hit him hard with a stick. She spends time mostly with books. ALL (degree of exactness) across, above, along, around, by (+-self), outside, over, round, under Example: She finished the entire cooking for 10 persons all by herself. There were all kinds of facilities all along the way for the pilgrims travelling long distance on foot.

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