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5. Writing on Fear

Behaviour, feeling and expression showing Fear Adjusting clothing, distractedly or compulsively Angling feet away from object of fear Audible exhalations Biting on lip(s) Chewing on pen, pencil, fingernails, hair, or lips Clenched fingers Clenched mouth Clutching tightly at personal possessions Cold extremities Compulsive swallowing Confused thoughts Constricted pupils Covering face with hands, magazine, scarf, etc. Cowering Cringing Crossing the arms Curling into foetal position Darting eyes Depression Distorted time perception Distracted dialogue Dizziness Dry mouth Exhaustion Faked bravado Fast, shallow breathing Feigned exasperation Fidgeting Flared nostrils Flinching Flushing Forced smile Furrowed brow Gaping mouth Gazing in all directions to search for danger Glistening or damp eyes Goosebumps Grabbing someone for protection or support Gulping huge mouthfuls of air Guzzling large quantity of water, or beer etc Hair-twirling Heavy breathing Hiding behind someone or something Holding the breath Hugging oneself Hypersensitivity of all senses Inability to speak Jerky movements Jiggling change or keys in pocket Licking the lips Loss of bladder control Minimal eye contact and staring elsewhere Muscle spasms Nail-biting Numb fingers Pacing Pain in chest Panic attack Protecting the back with a wall or barrier Racing pulse Raising eyebrows and wrinkling brow Rapid blinking Rash decisions Recoiling Repetitive behaviour Restless feet or legs Retreating in opposite direction of danger Rubbing arms Scratching Screaming Shaking or tapping feet or legs Shaking knees Shrill voice Sighing Slouching or hunching Squaring shoulders and assuming hostile stance Squinting Stepping backward Stifled scream Stuttering Substance abuse Sudden cessation of movement Sweating Sweaty palms Talking to oneself Taut shoulders Throat clearing Thumping heart Tight leg muscles caused by flight-or-fight response Tiptoeing Trembling hands, lips, and chin Tugging on hair Visible pulse in neck Weak or buckling knees Whimpering or unrestrained weeping Whispering Wide staring eyes Wincing Wringing hands Adjectives for Mild Fear :

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